Synadm CLI Package ================== The :code:`synadm.cli` package contains all the command line frontend code (using the Python Click module), see the sections for each subcommand for help on usage and have a look into the files inside the synadm/cli directory to see how the CLI frontend is constructed. The main command is defined in :code:`` and each subcommand lives in its own module (e.g :code:``, :code:``, ...) Click command definition code is not very well suited for autogenerated Python package documentations (in this case using Sphinx autodoc) but one thing in this package that is worth mentioning and generating documentation for, is the :class:`synadm.cli.APIHelper` class which is the connection between the CLI code and the backend code in :mod:`synadm.api`: .. automodule:: synadm.cli._helper :members: APIHelper :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: :private-members: :member-order: bysource