Synadm Package

The synadm package contains the synadm.api module which is responsible for accessing the Synapse admin API endpoints and the regular Matrix API endpoints. Also some helper methods, e.g to calculate time-related things are to be found in this module:

Synapse admin API and regular Matrix API clients

Most API calls defined in this module respect the API’s defaults and only pass what’s necessary in the request body.

A fully qualified Matrix user ID looks like this: @user:server, where server often is a domain name only, e.g

See for documentation of the Synapse admin APIs and the Matrix spec at

class synadm.api.ApiRequest(log, user, token, base_url, path, timeout, debug)

Bases: object

Basic API request handling and helper utilities

This is subclassed by SynapseAdmin and Matrix

query(method, urlpart, params=None, data=None, token=None)

Generic wrapper around requests methods

Handles requests methods, logging and exceptions

  • urlpart (string) – the path to the API endpoint, excluding self.base_url and self.path (the part after proto://fqdn:port/path).

  • params (dict, optional) – URL parameters (?param1&paarm2). Defaults to None.

  • data (dict, optional) – request body used in POST, PUT, DELETE requests. Defaults to None.


usually a JSON string containing

the response of the API; responses that are not 200(OK) (usally error messages returned by the API) will also be returned as JSON strings; on exceptions the error type and description are logged and None is returned.

Return type

string or None


Get a unix timestamp in ms from days ago


days (int) – number of days


a unix timestamp in milliseconds (ms)

Return type



Get a unix timestamp in ms for the given number of days ahead


days (int) – number of days


a unix timestamp in milliseconds (ms)

Return type



Get a unix timestamp in ms from a datetime object


_datetime (datetime object) – an object built by datetime.datetime


a unix timestamp in milliseconds (ms)

Return type



Get a datetime object from a unix timestamp in ms


timestamp (int) – a unix timestamp in milliseconds (ms)


an object built by datetime.datetime

Return type

datetime object

class synadm.api.Matrix(log, user, token, base_url, matrix_path, timeout, debug)

Bases: synadm.api.ApiRequest

Matrix API client

ApiRequest (object): parent class containing general properties and

methods for requesting REST API’s

user_login(user_id, password)

Login as a Matrix user and retrieve an access token

  • user_id (string) – a fully qualified Matrix user ID

  • password (string) – the Matrix user’s password


JSON string containing a token suitable to access the

Matrix API on the user’s behalf, a device_id and some more details on Matrix server and user.

Return type


raw_request(endpoint, method, data, token=None)
class synadm.api.SynapseAdmin(log, user, token, base_url, admin_path, timeout, debug)

Bases: synadm.api.ApiRequest

Synapse admin API client

ApiRequest (object): parent class containing general properties and

methods for requesting REST API’s

user_list(_from, _limit, _guests, _deactivated, _name, _user_id)

List and search users

  • _from (int) – offsets user list by this number, used for pagination

  • _limit (int) – maximum number of users returned, used for pagination

  • _guests (bool) – enable/disable fetching of guest users

  • _deactivated (bool) – enable/disable fetching of deactivated users

  • _name (string) – user name localpart to search for, see Synapse admin API docs for details

  • _user_id (string) – fully qualified Matrix user ID to search for


JSON string containing the found users

Return type



Get a list of rooms the given user is member of


user_id (string) – fully qualified Matrix user ID


JSON string containing the admin API’s response or None if

an exception occured. See Synapse admin API docs for details.

Return type


user_deactivate(user_id, gdpr_erase)

Delete a given user

  • user_id (string) – fully qualified Matrix user ID

  • gdpr_erase (bool) – enable/disable gdpr-erasing the user, see Synapse admin API docs for details.


JSON string containing the admin API’s response or None if

an exception occured. See Synapse admin API docs for details.

Return type


user_password(user_id, password, no_logout)

Set the user password, and log the user out if requested

  • user_id (string) – fully qualified Matrix user ID

  • password (string) – new password that should be set

  • no_logout (bool) – the API defaults to logging out the user after password reset via the admin API, this option can be used to disable this behaviour.


JSON string containing the admin API’s response or None if an exception occured. See Synapse admin API docs for details.

Return type



Get information about a given user

Note that the admin API docs describe this function as “Query User Account”.


user_id (string) – fully qualified Matrix user ID


JSON string containing the admin API’s response or None if

an exception occured. See Synapse admin API docs for details.

Return type


user_login(user_id, expire_days, expire, _expire_ts)

Get an access token that can be used to authenticate as that user.

If one of the args expire_days, expire or _expire_ts is set, the valid_until_ms field will be sent to the API endpoint. If this is not the case the default of the API would be used. At the time of writing, this would be that tokens never expire.

Note: If this method is called by the CLI frontend code (synadm.cli.user.user_login_cmd), a default expiry date of 1 day (24h) is passed.

  • user_id (string) – fully qualified Matrix user ID

  • expire_days (int) – token should expire after this number of days

  • expire (datetime) – token should expire after this date/time - a datetime object (e.g. as generated by Click.DateTime())

  • _expire_ts (int) – token should expire after this date/time - a unix timestamp in ms.


JSON string containing the admin API’s response or None if an exception occured. See Synapse admin API docs for details.

Return type


user_modify(user_id, password, display_name, threepid, avatar_url, admin, deactivation)

Create or update information about a given user

Threepid should be passed as a tuple in a tuple


Return information about the active sessions for a specific user

room_join(room_id_or_alias, user_id)

Allow an administrator to join an user account with a given user_id to a room with a given room_id_or_alias

room_list(_from, limit, name, order_by, reverse)

List and search rooms


Get details about a room


Get a list of room members

room_delete(room_id, new_room_user_id, room_name, message, block, no_purge)

Delete a room and purge it if requested

room_make_admin(room_id, user_id)

Grant a user room admin permission. If the user is not in the room, and it is not publicly joinable, then invite the user.


Get a list of known media in an (unencrypted) room.

media_quarantine(server_name, media_id)

Quarantine a single piece of local or remote media


Quarantine all local and remote media in a room


Quarantine all local and remote media of a user

user_media(user_id, _from, limit, order_by, reverse)

Get a user’s uploaded media

media_delete(server_name, media_id)

Delete a specific (local) media_id

media_delete_by_date_or_size(server_name, before_days, before, _before_ts, _size_gt, delete_profiles)

Delete local media by date and/or size FIXME and/or?


Protect a single piece of local or remote media

from being quarantined

purge_media_cache(before_days, before, _before_ts)

Purge old cached remote media


Get the server version


Delete a local group (community)

purge_history(room_id, before_event_id, before_days, before, _before_ts, delete_local)

Purge room history


Get status of a recent history purge

The status will be one of active, complete, or failed.