
synadm media

Manage local and remote media

synadm media [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


delete media by ID, size or age

synadm media delete [OPTIONS]


-i, --media-id <media_id>

the media with this specific media ID will be deleted.

-d, --before-days <before_days>

delete all media that was last accessed before this number of days ago.

-b, --before <before>

delete all media that was last accessed before this date/time. Eg. ‘2021-01-01’, see above for available date/time formats.

-t, --before-ts <before_ts>

delete all media that was last accessed before this unix timestamp in ms.

--size, --kib <size>

delete all media that is larger than this size in KiB (1 KiB = 1024 bytes).

--delete-profiles, --all

also delete files that are still used in image data (e.g user profile, room avatar). If set, these files will be deleted too. Not valid when a specific media is being deleted (–media-id)


list local media by room or user

synadm media list [OPTIONS]


-r, --room-id <room_id>

list all media in room with this room ID (‘!abcdefg’).

-u, --user-id <user_id>

list all media uploaded by user with this matrix ID (@user:server).

-f, --from <from_>

offset media listing by given number. This option is also used for pagination but only supported together with –user-id.



-l, --limit <limit>

limit media listing to given number. This option is only supported together with –user-id.



-s, --sort <sort>

The method by which to sort the returned list of media. If the ordered field has duplicates, the second order is always by ascending media_id, which guarantees a stable ordering. This option is only supported together with –user-id.


media_id | upload_name | created_ts | last_access_ts | media_length | media_type | quarantined_by | safe_from_quarantine

-R, --reverse

Direction of media order. If set it will reverse the sort order of –order-by method. This option is only supported together with –user-id.


protect specific media from being quarantined

synadm media protect [OPTIONS] MEDIA_ID



Required argument


Purge old cached remote media

synadm media purge [OPTIONS]


-d, --before-days <before_days>

Purge all media that was last accessed before this number of days ago.

-b, --before <before>

Purge all media that was last accessed before this date/time. Eg. ‘2021-01-01’, see above for available date/time formats.

-t, --before-ts <before_ts>

Purge all media that was last accessed before this unix timestamp in ms.


quarantine media in rooms, by users or by media ID

synadm media quarantine [OPTIONS]


-i, --media-id <media_id>

the media with this specific media ID will be quarantined.

-r, --room-id <room_id>

all media in room with this room ID (!abcdefg) will be quarantined.

-u, --user-id <user_id>

all media uploaded by user with this matrix ID (@user:server) will be quarantined.

-s, --server-name <server_name>

the server name of the media, mandatory when –media-id is used and _remote_ media should be processed. For locally stored media this option can be omitted.